François SEPTIER
Associate Professor in Statistical Signal Processing
IMT Lille Douai / CRIStAL UMR CNRS 9189
Submitted journal papers
I. Nevat, F. Septier, K. Avnit, G. W. Peters and L. Clavier, ``Localization in Sensor Networks with Clock and Ranging Offsets'' submitted to an IEEE journal
A. De Freitas, F. Septier and L. Mihaylova, ``Sequential Markov Chain Monte Carlo for Bayesian Filtering with Massive Data'' submitted to an IEEE journal - Available on
N. Salman, F. Septier and L. Mihaylova, ``Markov Chain Monte Carlo and Shrinkage Approaches to Multitarget Localization with Correlated Measurements'' submitted to an IEEE journal.
G.W. Peters, T. Matsui, F. Septier and A. Tamamori, ``Estimation and Calibration in Gaussian Process State Space Models: MCDC Tool'' submitted to Journal of Statistical Software.
G.W. Peters, L. Clavier, I. Nevat and F. Septier, ``Generalized Interference Models for Wireless Network Systems: the PNSC(α) Framework'' submitted to ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation.
W. Gu, X. Yan, G.W. Peters, L. Clavier, F. Septier and I. Nevat, ``Robust and Adaptive Receiver Design in Impulsive Subexponential Noise'' submitted to an IEEE journal.