To bring the scripting to the emf ecore plugin, you'll need :
* Eclipse 3.2 with Eclipse Modeling Framework 2.2
* The AJDT (AspectJ Development Tools) feature,
* The EMFShell features
* Use the following update site to download the features:
1. Modify our config.ini file located in the configuration subdirectory of Eclipse as following :
- Add the org.aspectj.osgi.service.weaving and fr.enic.emfscript bundles to the "osgi.bundles" property.
Example :
osgi.bundles=org.eclipse.equinox.common@2:start, org.eclipse.update.configurator@3:start,
org.eclipse.core.runtime@:start, org.aspectj.osgi.service.weaving@:start, fr.enic.emfscript
- Add the following properties before the end of the config file:
Get an example of a config.ini file
2. Launch Eclipse
* If everything is fine, the scripting console must be accessible under the console view and model elements must
be exposed as showed in the tutorial page.
* If the console does not work or models elements are exposed like Java object, the issue may be solved by resetting osgi. This
operation can be done by launching Eclipse with the clean option as following : eclipse -clean
(or putting the property osgi-clean=true before the end of the config file)